Friday, 10 February 2012

ID3 Code With Missing Value Attributes Handling

The algorithm ID3 (Quinlan) uses the method top-down induction of decision trees. Given a set of classified examples a decision tree is induced, biased by the information gain measure, which heuristically leads to small trees. The examples are given in attribute-value representation. The set of possible classes is finite. Only tests, that split the set of instances of the underlying example languages depending on the value of a single attribute are supported.

You need to follow the following steps.
  1. Create console project in visual studio(2010)
  2. Create a file data.txt in your debug folder in your project folder
  3. OutLook(Sunny:Overcast:Rain),Temperature(Hot:Mild:Cold),Humidity(High:Normal),Windy(True:False),Decision(true:false)
  4. Now open the program.cs in your project and delete all existing code and paste the following code.
  5. /********************************************************************************************
     *                       Id3 Implementation
     *                       Author: M.I.A & Noshina Tariq

    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Data;
    using System.IO;

    namespace ExemploID3
        // this is a class which will used to hold all the attributes and their possible values.
        public class Attribute
            ArrayList mValues;
            string mName;
            object mLabel;

            // constructor
            public Attribute(string name, string[] values)
                mName = name;
                mValues = new ArrayList(values);

            public Attribute(object Label)
                mLabel = Label;
                mName = string.Empty;
                mValues = null;

            // getter, returns the name of attribute.
            public string AttributeName
                    return mName;
            // returns the string array of attribute values
            public string[] values
                    if (mValues != null)
                        return (string[])mValues.ToArray(typeof(string));
                        return null;

            // this is will validate the value used in instance of an attribute
            public bool isValidValue(string value)
                return indexValue(value) >= 0;

            // actuall validating function
            public int indexValue(string value)
                if (mValues != null)
                    return mValues.BinarySearch(value);
                    return -1;

            public override string ToString()
                if (mName != string.Empty)
                    return mName;
                    return mLabel.ToString();

        // to hold the node  and its childrens within a tree
        public class TreeNode
            private ArrayList mChilds = null;
            private Attribute mAttribute;

            // constructor
            public TreeNode(Attribute attribute)
                if (attribute.values != null)
                    mChilds = new ArrayList(attribute.values.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < attribute.values.Length; i++)
                    mChilds = new ArrayList(1);
                mAttribute = attribute;

            public void AddTreeNode(TreeNode treeNode, string ValueName)
                int index = mAttribute.indexValue(ValueName);
                mChilds[index] = treeNode;

            public int totalChilds
                    return mChilds.Count;

            public TreeNode getChild(int index)
                return (TreeNode)mChilds[index];

            public Attribute attribute
                    return mAttribute;

            public TreeNode getChildByBranchName(string branchName)
                int index = mAttribute.indexValue(branchName);
                return (TreeNode)mChilds[index];

        // actual Id3 Implemetion
        public class DecisionTreeID3
            private DataTable mSamples;
            private int mTotalPositives = 0;
            private int mTotal = 0;
            private string mTargetAttribute = "result";
            private double mEntropySet = 0.0;

            // calculates total positive instance in the data
            private int countTotalPositives(DataTable samples)
                int result = 0;

                foreach (DataRow aRow in samples.Rows)
                    if (aRow[mTargetAttribute].ToString() == "true")

                return result;

            // calculates entropy
            private double calcEntropy(int positives, int negatives)
                int total = positives + negatives;
                double ratioPositive = (double)positives / total;
                double ratioNegative = (double)negatives / total;

                if (ratioPositive != 0)
                    ratioPositive = -(ratioPositive) * System.Math.Log(ratioPositive, 2);
                if (ratioNegative != 0)
                    ratioNegative = -(ratioNegative) * System.Math.Log(ratioNegative, 2);

                double result = ratioPositive + ratioNegative;

                return result;

            // this will calculates positive and negitive instance after root is selected.
            private void getValuesToAttribute(DataTable samples, Attribute attribute, string value, out int positives, out int negatives)
                positives = 0;
                negatives = 0;

                foreach (DataRow aRow in samples.Rows)
                    if (((string)aRow[attribute.AttributeName] == value))
                        if (aRow[mTargetAttribute].ToString() == "true")

            // calculates gain
            private double gain(DataTable samples, Attribute attribute)
                string[] values = attribute.values;
                double sum = 0.0;

                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                    int positives, negatives;

                    positives = negatives = 0;

                    getValuesToAttribute(samples, attribute, values[i], out positives, out negatives);

                    double entropy = calcEntropy(positives, negatives);
                    sum += -(double)(positives + negatives) / mTotal * entropy;
                return mEntropySet + sum;

            // calculates gain for all available attributs and then return attribut having maximum info.gain
            private Attribute getBestAttribute(DataTable samples, Attribute[] attributes)
                double maxGain = 0.0;
                Attribute result = null;

                foreach (Attribute attribute in attributes)
                    double aux = gain(samples, attribute);
                    if (aux > maxGain)
                        maxGain = aux;
                        result = attribute;
                return result;

            // checks that data has all the positive samples.
            private bool allSamplesPositives(DataTable samples, string targetAttribute)
                foreach (DataRow row in samples.Rows)
                    String x=row[targetAttribute].ToString();
                    if (x == "false")
                        return false;

                return true;

            // checks that data has all the negitive samples.
            private bool allSamplesNegatives(DataTable samples, string targetAttribute)
                foreach (DataRow row in samples.Rows)
                    if (row[targetAttribute].ToString() == "true")
                        return false;

                return true;

            // used to get distinct values of attributs in the data.
            private ArrayList getDistinctValues(DataTable samples, string targetAttribute)
                ArrayList distinctValues = new ArrayList(samples.Rows.Count);

                foreach (DataRow row in samples.Rows)
                    if (distinctValues.IndexOf(row[targetAttribute]) == -1)

                return distinctValues;

            // returns most common value of attributs from given instance
            private object getMostCommonValue(DataTable samples, string targetAttribute)
                ArrayList distinctValues = getDistinctValues(samples, targetAttribute);
                int[] count = new int[distinctValues.Count];

                foreach (DataRow row in samples.Rows)
                    int index = distinctValues.IndexOf(row[targetAttribute]);

                int MaxIndex = 0;
                int MaxCount = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < count.Length; i++)
                    if (count[i] > MaxCount)
                        MaxCount = count[i];
                        MaxIndex = i;

                return distinctValues[MaxIndex];

            // creates tree after calculations
            private TreeNode internalMountTree(DataTable samples, string targetAttribute, Attribute[] attributes)
                if (allSamplesPositives(samples, targetAttribute) == true)
                    return new TreeNode(new Attribute(true));

                if (allSamplesNegatives(samples, targetAttribute) == true)
                    return new TreeNode(new Attribute(false));

                if (attributes.Length == 0)
                    return new TreeNode(new Attribute(getMostCommonValue(samples, targetAttribute)));

                mTotal = samples.Rows.Count;
                mTargetAttribute = targetAttribute;
                mTotalPositives = countTotalPositives(samples);

                mEntropySet = calcEntropy(mTotalPositives, mTotal - mTotalPositives);

                Attribute bestAttribute = getBestAttribute(samples, attributes);

                TreeNode root = new TreeNode(bestAttribute);

                DataTable aSample = samples.Clone();

                foreach (string value in bestAttribute.values)

                    DataRow[] rows = samples.Select(bestAttribute.AttributeName + " = " + "'" + value + "'");

                    foreach (DataRow row in rows)
                    ArrayList aAttributes = new ArrayList(attributes.Length - 1);
                    for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++)
                        if (attributes[i].AttributeName != bestAttribute.AttributeName)
                    if (aSample.Rows.Count == 0)
                        return new TreeNode(new Attribute(getMostCommonValue(aSample, targetAttribute)));
                        DecisionTreeID3 dc3 = new DecisionTreeID3();
                        TreeNode ChildNode = dc3.mountTree(aSample, targetAttribute, (Attribute[])aAttributes.ToArray(typeof(Attribute)));
                        root.AddTreeNode(ChildNode, value);

                return root;

            public TreeNode mountTree(DataTable samples, string targetAttribute, Attribute[] attributes)
                mSamples = samples;
                return internalMountTree(mSamples, targetAttribute, attributes);

        class ID3Sample
            public static DataTable dt;

            //prints tree on screen
            public static void printNode(TreeNode root, string tabs)
                Console.WriteLine(tabs + '|' + root.attribute + '|');

                if (root.attribute.values != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < root.attribute.values.Length; i++)
                        Console.WriteLine(tabs + "\t" + "<" + root.attribute.values[i] + ">");
                        TreeNode childNode = root.getChildByBranchName(root.attribute.values[i]);
                        printNode(childNode, "\t" + tabs);

            // handels missing values handel=1 for method one and handel=2 for second method
            static void missingValue(int handel)
                //Boolean isMissing = false;
                //int row = -1, col = -1;

                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++)
                        if (dt.Rows[i][j].ToString()=="")
                            if (handel==1)
                                j = dt.Columns.Count;
                            else if (handel == 2)
                                ArrayList attV = new ArrayList();
                                ArrayList rep = new ArrayList();
                                int max_ind=-1;

                                for (int k = 0; k < dt.Rows.Count; k++)
                                    if (!attV.Contains(dt.Rows[k][j]) && dt.Rows[k][j] != "")

                                        if (max_ind == -1)
                                            max_ind = 0;

                                    else if(attV.Contains(dt.Rows[k][j]))
                                        int c_ind=attV.IndexOf(dt.Rows[k][j]);

                                        rep[c_ind] = ((int)rep[c_ind]) + 1;

                                        if ((int)rep[max_ind] < (int)rep[c_ind])
                                            max_ind = c_ind;
                                if (max_ind != -1)
                                   dt.Rows[i][j] = attV[max_ind].ToString();

            static void Main(string[] args)

                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("data.txt");
                String line;
                dt = new DataTable("Data");
                int lineNum = 1;
                char[] sep1 = { ',' }, sep2 = { ':' };
                //DataTable dt = new DataTable("data");
                Attribute[] attributes=null;
                String ClassLabel="";

                while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    String[] parts = line.Split(sep1);

                    if (lineNum == 1)

                        int at_num = parts.Length;
                        attributes = new Attribute[at_num - 1];

                        for (int x = 0; x < at_num; x++)
                            String atr_name = parts[x].Substring(0, parts[x].IndexOf('('));
                            String[] atr_possi = parts[x].Substring(parts[x].IndexOf('(') + 1, parts[x].Length - parts[x].IndexOf('(') - 2).Split(sep2);

                            DataColumn column = dt.Columns.Add(atr_name);
                            column.DataType = typeof(string);

                            if (x + 1 == at_num)
                                ClassLabel = atr_name;
                                attributes[x] = new Attribute(atr_name, atr_possi);




                DecisionTreeID3 id3 = new DecisionTreeID3();
                TreeNode root = id3.mountTree(dt, ClassLabel, attributes);

                printNode(root, "  ");

  6. Thats it... :-)

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